Wednesday, November 18, 2009

A Few Thoughts on Government

In October 2000 I took an oath to protect America from its enemies. Over the last nine years I have had the honor to serve alongside courageous and committed patriots in our military, Foreign Service and intelligence organizations. During my time overseas, I realized that if we are not at our strongest at home then we will be unable to be strong abroad. In my time away, I have acquired a deep appreciation for what a wonderful place America is, but also learned the great importance of the idea of America.

The true strength of our nation is the individual and each person’s dignity and freedom must be protected. Our government has a limited role that requires it to get out of the way of the engine of our growth - individuals in our free market economy. Protecting free enterprise and encouraging individual initiative have brought opportunity, economic growth and prosperity to our nation. Our society is not only comprised of interlocking associations of local, state and national entities, but also social, business, civic, professional and religious organizations. All of these support our free market economy and are necessary in order for America to stay great. Our national government is but a cog, albeit an important one, in this complicated machine.

I believe that a good government should be organized to provide the most critical functions that individuals or private organizations cannot. Government must guarantee security and public order and enforce the rules and regulations necessary to a free marketplace. A Government should eliminate unnecessary spending in order to keep taxes low, and a government should be responsive to and representative of the people. A government of the people, by the people, for the people should ensure that its people be heard.

We are a pluralistic country, and we will prosper if we focus on the values we have in common rather than argue over our differences. So I’ve returned home and plan to travel throughout the 23rd Congressional District to meet with fellow Americans who want to make a difference. I want to learn about the issues that people face and to understand the solutions that they think are needed.

I hope the residents of the 23rd determine that I should be the Republican candidate that should represent them because they believe that I have the experience, insight and willingness to ensure our message is heard in Washington. The 23rd is a unique and important district. We are home to the military, artists, and ranchers. We are church-going, business-oriented, and independent. I firmly believe that a strong District 23 leads to a strong Texas, a strong Texas makes America strong and a strong America means a better world.