Wednesday, November 18, 2009

About Me

I proudly served my country for the past nine years as an Operations Officer at the Central Intelligence Agency. I have worked to combat terrorism and defend U.S. interests, primarily in South Asia, but my travels have taken me all over the world.

I am a native of San Antonio, and was born and raised there by my parents Robert and Mary Alice Hurd. I graduated from John Marshall High School.

I attended Texas A&M University in College Station, where I graduated with a Computer Science degree and was very involved as a student leader. I was the President of the Memorial Student Center student union, and managed the operations of a 5.6 million dollar organization and over 2,000 student volunteers. Following that, I was elected as Texas A&M University’s Student Body President, and served as the representative of the University’s 45,000 students.

After graduation, I moved to Washington, DC to begin my nearly decade-long career with the Central Intelligence Agency. I have recently returned from overseas and am now a Republican candidate for U.S. Congress in the 23rd Congressional District of Texas.

No matter where my travels have taken me, Texas has always been my home and I could not be happier to be back.