Thursday, December 31, 2009

Response to Terrorist Attack in Afghanistan

I am deeply and truly saddened by the attack on the Forward Operating Base Chapman in Afghanistan yesterday. To lose one’s colleagues to this madness is difficult, to lose friends even more so.

Every day, Americans are working to fight extremism and combat terrorism in a part of the world very far and different from where they are from. Our brave young men and women fight tirelessly to protect us and provide safety and security for others, and do not deserve to be targeted by those whose only weapon is fear.

Our goal in Afghanistan, to dismantle al-Qa’ida and to support a government that protects and respects its citizens, is a noble one that deserves our focus, sacrifice, and dedication. My brothers and sisters who gave their lives did so not only our country, but for the future of a country many of us will never visit, and should be remembered as heroes.

As we begin the New Year, we should honor these and the other heroes who have made the ultimate sacrifice, by keeping them and their families forever in our prayers, and never losing our resolve to stand against the evil in the world.


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