Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Run-Off Election Basics

After our strong finish in the Primary, we are headed into the Run-Off Election that will be decided on April 13th.

I wanted to provide you with a few details about this stage in the election, to let you know how to participate.

First, you can vote in the run-off if you are already registered to vote, or register to vote by March 15th. If you voted in the primary, you are already registered, there is no need to re-register. You can check here to see if you are registered to vote. If you aren't registered, please call the campaign office at 210-957-3275 or click here to register to vote.

Second, if you are registered and did not vote in the Democratic Party primary, you are eligible to vote in the Run-Off election.

Early voting is the most convenient time to cast your ballot. Early voting in the Run-Off starts April 5th and lasts until April 9th. The polling locations have not yet been released, but should be the same as the early voting locations in March. Please check with your county registrar or call our campaign office to determine where you should vote.

And lastly, Election Day is April 13th. This is the last day to cast your ballot, and the polls should be open until 7 pm. It is important that you do vote in this election. Very few traditionally make it to the polls in a Run-Off, so your vote counts even more.

Here's a recent post with great information on how Run-Off election's work.

Thank you for your support, and please visit for new updates!


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