Friday, January 29, 2010

San Antonio and Cybersecurity

Developing ways to confront the threats to our nation’s cybersecurity poses one of the most serious economic and national security challenges of the 21st century. In the digital age, our hard earned dollars, proprietary information and national secrets are all stored digital, yet those in government have been slow to recognize the threat posed to our digital infrastructure and data.

The Department of Defense assesses that there are 10,000 to 1 million cyber attacks a day on DOD infrastructure. More than half of 600 IT executives surveyed said their companies had already suffered a large-scale attack or stealthy infiltration from organized crime gangs, terrorists or nation-states.

Having been involved in a number of offensive and defensive Information Operations for the U.S. Intelligence, I can tell you that the threat posed by organized intelligence operations of our foreign adversaries is formidable.

Our elected leaders need to be able to understand the threat and be committed to securing the nation's information infrastructure. This requires collaboration between the public and private sectors, and cooperation between civilian and military agencies.

Due to a unique combination of pre-existing business, academic, governmental, military and public sector initiatives San Antonio is fortunately poised to become Cyber City, USA. San Antonio can lead the way in protecting our nation's digital infrastructure. This will grow jobs in San Antonio and the surrounding areas and help keep America safe. I encourage Congress to create a Cyber Caucus that will formalize Congress’ commitment to support to cyber security missions, research and development, education and workforce development.


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